On Screen Facebook Likebox Popup for Blogengine

OnScreenFacebook Blogengine Widget: 

OnScreenFacebook isFacebook likebox pouup widget for Blog engine 3.0. This allows your blog to displays FaceBook Likebox Popup Widget on screen with close button on entry to your Website. This is configurable widget with option to set number of days,to display widget for user after every n number of days.This widget uses Lightbox jquery script for popup.



Set the popup to appear only once in a week to the visitor by setting the number option to 7 and this popup will appear again after 7 days. If you want to display popup to your visitors after a day (daily) then set value to 1 and similarly if you want to display for every page view all the time then set value to 0. If you set the value to 0, then it can irritate your daily readers.






You may download the extensions below. To install the extensions, simply copy the downloaded OnScreenFacebook.dll file into your BlogEngine.NET 3.0 (web)/bin folder of your blog engine site. And copy the .js file jquery.colorbox-min.js from OnScreenFacebook \content\custom\Extensions\ OnScreenFacebook folder into custom\Extensions\ OnScreenFacebook folder of blog engine site.

Updated with latest facebook like box (updated on July 1 2015):

Latest Files:

OnScreenFacebook — Zip File

Nuget package for the OnScreenFacebook:

OnScreenFacebook. — Nupkg file in Zip file

Also available in blog Engine gallery

dnbe.net /Extensions/ OnScreenFacebook

After installing OnScreenFacebook, set the following options in extensions

Facebook page URL:  Paste the complete url of your face book webpage

Ex: https://www.facebook.com/Infofru

Display widget for user after every nth day(s) – Set ‘0’ to always display for each page / Set ‘1’ for displaying once in a day for a user / Set ‘7’ or ’30’ for displaying once in a week/Month for a user:  Set any number value here from 0 to 100.

Ex: 1

Old Files:

OnScreenFacebook — Zip file

Nuget package for the OnScreenFacebook:

OnScreenFacebook. — Nupkg file

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